Today was theee best day ever!
After having celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary last week, my husband & I decided to commit to going on dates more often. We set today to visit the city.
1st stop the book store, 2nd stop MAC (freestanding).
It was my first ever visit to a freestanding MAC store.
Previously, I acquired my MAC products from Macy's, MAC Online, or the CCO.
I was excited! I happend to bump into Marsha of BrownFaceTV on YouTube.
(check her out. Love her MAC hauls & her natural hair care talk!)
She was very friendly. I think I probably scared her because I recognized her but she totally didn't know who I was. Completely understandable. My husband said we were busting it up like we were old friends. I explained the concept of the UNIVERSAL Language of Makeup! We had a good laugh over that one. It was a pleasure to have met Marsha. I am sure I will probably see her again at a MAC event in the future. Check out her BrownFaceNews

On to the haul.

I picked up
a MAC empty 15 Eyeshadow Palette. I have two of the Coastal Scents palettes , but I wanted to upgrade/transition to MAC. The Coastal Scents ones are adequate, however they have a foam type substance surrounding each e/s well. It is difficult to keep this clean when shadow spills over onto it. I also watched an organizational video from EnKore on YouTube this morning.
In it he featured a $10 DVD holder which he purchased from The Container Store. It fit the MAC palettes perfectly.
I finally was matched correctly re: my foundation. Previously I had been wearing NC43. Matched at Macy's MAC counter. Waaaaay too light for me. My daughter is very light skinned & this is actually a better match for her. I used to mix it with darker colors to achieve the look I wanted. It just wasn't cutting it. How about I'm NC50. A big difference. The formula is Select SPF. I will be doing a tutorial per Vixxan's request at some point to show how I apply it. It dries really quickly.
from Liberty of London Collection, I purchased Perennial High Style lipglass and Ever Hip lipstick (Creamsheen).
After my husband took our photo outside of the MAC store, I gasped because to my delight there was a LUSH store directly across the street.

I was thrilled! The sales person was uber helpful. I generated a wish list for future purchases. He was kind enough to share their catalog with me as well as couple of samples. YAY!